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Enlil Therapeutics



Enlil Therapeutics


Enlil Therapeutics is a start-up company founded to discover cures for telomere-related diseases. Currently, the company is focused on identifying telomerase treatments for IPF. Telomeres are DNA regions at the ends of chromosomes. 

The shorter telomeres identified in pulmonary cells from IPF patients appear to be a driver for disease. Enlil has developed an assay to potentially identify small molecule telomerase activators that can be developed into therapeutic treatments for IPF. 

Three Lakes Foundation has provided funding to support Enlil Therapeutics in its quest to identify compounds that activate telomerase.

B4PF: Understanding Early Disease

To develop therapies that prevent the development of PF, it is essential to study the earliest aspects of disease pathogenesis.

A Global Collaboration for PF

Centre of Research Excellence in Pulmonary Fibrosis (CRE-PF) is a clinically focused research program funded by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council.


Prospective tReatment EffiCacy in IPF uSlng genOtype for Nac Selection (PRECISIONS) is a comprehensive, multicenter, and multi-investigator study.

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